
Sahabat Vs Kawan

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Salam... Selepas 2 hari tidak mengupdate blog.Kini diriku kembali utk
update status baru. Entah kenapa hari ini aku terpanggil utk bercerita mengenai
sahabat VS kawan. Rasanya seronok bila bercerita pasal nie kan..
Sebab kita semua punya kawan@ sahabat.
Tapi korang pernah tau tak bahawa sahabat dan kawan ini mempunyai maksud yg berbeza.
Saya pernah terbaca 1 artikel pasal ni waktu saya form 3. Kerana waktu itu
saya sgt mementingkan persahabatan. Sekarang pon sama. :)
So we straight to the point of the topic...

Kawan?apa maksud kawan? huhu.Susah nk explain tp. Kawan nieAdd Image lebih kepada seseorang
yang rapat dengan kita. Tapi perlu di igt. Kawan nie mmg ramai kita boleh dapat.
Kawan nie ada dimana-mana, tapi adakah mereka boleh dipercayai,disayangi, dan lain-lain.
Mungkin ia dan mungkin juga tidak. Kita pon tidak tahu. Biasanya kawan nie akan hadir pada waktu kita hidup senang lenang, punya kemewahan dan lain-lain lah . Golongan ini akan menghilangkan diri sekiranya kita berada dalam kesusahan dan saya juga pernah melaluinya. Jadi saya jadikan ia satu pengajaran utk diri saya. :)

Apa maksud sahabat?? secara specific saya boleh kelaskan mereka nie sebagai seseorang yang rapat dengan kita tika kita susah dan senang. Mereka sentiasa memberi sokongan pada kita sekiranya kita berada dalam kesusahan. Insyallah. Sahabat memang susah nk dicari.Tp mesti ada diantara sahabat kita yang ramai. Mesti ada yang sudi berssama kita semasa kita susah dan senang. :)

Saya rasa cukup setakat ini.Kesimpulan yang saya boleh buat ialah berkawan biar seribu. Bersahabat biar satu.hihi.suke2 hati jew kan. Tp tak kisahlah kan. Kita boleh buat keputusan sendiri. Kita yang akan memilih siapa akan jadi sahabat dan kawan kita. Insyallah , dan last sekali andai post saya ini ada menyakiti sesiapa.Saya mohon maaf.

How to Be Successful in Life

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Salam all my friends, today I want to talk a bit about how to achieve success.
The main purpose is to motivate myself because I always failed in what I do. T hen maybe this is my first topic, I write in English. just to try.

So first question i want to ask is what is the success?? Success means
Success is having all that you wanted to have. It's finding that you have achieved your goals or fulfilled your plans and it's waking up in the morning feeling victorious rather than feeling beaten up. Success is walking proudly in the streets with your head up high while being happy and satisfied.
What we want to find is , the successfull in world and for muslim, the most important
is the successfull in( kejayaan di akhirat).

Then how to be successfulin our life?? There is Contrary to common beliefs, there are no successful or unsuccessful people, instead there are just people who have the potential to succeed and do things that realize this potential, and people with the same potential who don’t do those things. The only thing you need to do to succeed is doing exactly what successful people do and this is the main aim of this guide. When you go through all of the pages you will acquire the mentality of a successful person and that alone will be the basis for your success.

They are some keys of how to successful in our life..

  • Don't strive for perfection - never try to be perfect, no one is perfect, set a standard and goal and do the task or job to the very best of your ability and be happy with it. As long as you gave it your best shot that's all you or anyone else can ask for.

  • Believe in yourself - develop strategies which make you more aware of yourself and what you are capable of achieving. If you believe in yourself and what you are capable of achieving then you are more likely to be successful in whatever you do.
  • Persevere - perseverance and determination are what is needed for success; if you don't give up at something you attempt then you can't fail, it's as simple as that. If something doesn't work out as planned the first time then try and try again using different methods to achieve the results that you are looking for.
  • Change - if you are not happy with what you have now, or who you are in life then the only one who can make a difference in your situation or life is you. A change could mean changing your outlook on life, your outlook on yourself, your priorities or your activities. You have no one else to blame but yourself and only you have the power to change.
  • What goes around comes around - you only get back in life what you are willing to put into it. If you are helpful, honest, truthful and positive then you will get the same back in return which can help you on your path to success, particularly in the workplace.
  • You cannot succeed alone - all successful people rely, in part, on others for their success. Every person has different skills, talents and abilities which when combined leads to an individual's success.
  • Center yourself - we all need to take time out during the day to center ourselves, by re-focusing ourselves and what we wish to achieve. We are able to accomplish more and be more effective in our tasks.
  • Set targets or goals - setting out targets or goals for yourself can help you to succeed in anything you choose. These can be daily, short term or long term targets with short term being a month or so and long term no longer than 6 months. Always set realistic targets and give yourself a date by which to reach your target. Review your targets on a regular basis to make sure they are always attainable.
  • Focus on what you want - focus on the positive and what it is you want to achieve instead of the negative or what it is that you don't want to achieve. Always look ahead instead of back and focus only on the desired end result.

  • Maybe this info can give us something that can change us..
    Ecspecially for me.. So long I try to find it. But Im still fail. But is not the end of my life.
    I will try and try my best... The most important for me is I need to word hard, get support from family
    and my friends. Also the most important,pray to allah swt. Insyallah..
    That all thanks for reading this article.. :)

    p/s-english berterabur skit. campur2.. =p

    The most important to us.. Pray to Allah Swt.Insyallah

    Musim Baru 2011

    Saturday, January 22, 2011

    Salam..Lama btl tak diupdate blog ini, disebabkan busy dan ketandusan idea
    untuk menulis. Tapi tak tahu nape kini terpanggil kembali utk menulis.
    So utk pembukaan post pada tahun nie iaitu 2011, tak mahu tulis panjang-panjang
    just muqadimah sahaja. Template pon dah tukar baru, cuma nak update
    sikit lagi, nak bagi nampak kemas sedikit. huhu.. letih nk menyusun semua nie.
    Yerkla dah lama sgt tak update. huhu... Rasanya sampai sini sahaja lah utk first post.
    Harap diriku dpt mengekalkan komitmen utk terus menulis utk tahun ini. Insyallah..
    dan semoga azam-azam tahun ini tercapai. Insyallah...

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